
Alice through the looking glass

Yeah, a lot of people don't know, but Alice has two books.

(PS: don't try to understand, this is only possible reading the book)

And because it I don't like the movies, because most of them mix both stories, but are totally different stories, for example, Tweedledum and Tweedledee are characters from the second book...

So, the second story you probably don't know, Looking glass, if you still didn't see the vocabulary, means mirror.
In this book Alice goes to a weird world, where flowers can speak, and the most important, the world is like a big chessboard(and Alice is a pawn).

The story is very simple, she just walks along the chapter 'till last square of the board and becomes a queen, but what happen before and after this is surprise ;)

This is one of my favorite books, I recommend, in special if you love chess or crazy stories ;)

See ya o/

  • know - sabe
  • books - livros
  • mix - mistura
  • totally - totalmente
  • characters - personagens
  • probably - provavelmente
  • Looking glass - espelho
  • still - ainda
  • means - significa
  • mirror - espelho
  • goes - vai
  • weird - estranho
  • speak - fala
  • chessboard - tabuleiro de xadrez
  • pawn - peão(do xadrez)
  • 'till = until - até
  • square - geralmente significa quadrado, mas em relação a um tabuleiro significa a casa(que não deixa de ser um quadrado)
  • board - tabuleiro
  • queen - rainha
  • happen - acontece
  • chess - xadrez

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