

Hey, this is used in others blogs, so I'm going to imitate...

We will have specific days to post specific things!

For example: every monday I will post a story(actually, I'm already doing it, but I don't believe that someone noted it).

So, I will post in this way:

Monday - Story
Tuesday - Free subject
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Free subject
Friday - Something funny

This will do things easier to me =)

And free subject can be also a story, a music or a joke...
Do requests for wednesday, please ;)

And you can also do requests for everything else.

Tell me what do you think about it...

...and thanks to read, Bye!

  • imitate - imitar
  • monday - segunda-feira
  • actually - "na verdade", atualmente se diz nowadays
  • noted - notaram
  • Tuesday - terça-feira
  • subject - assunto
  • Wednesday - quarta-feira
  • Thursday - quinta-feira
  • Friday - sexta-feira
  • easier - mais fácil
  • also - também
  • requests - pedidos
  • everything else - tudo mais/qualquer coisa mais

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