
Musics that I hate!

Let's talk about musical tastes...

Well, musical taste is something very personal, because of this I am not going to talk about the musics that I dislike, but there are some musics that is not music, and about those that I gonna talk.

No, really, how someone can like of musics that is only noises, repeating in a annoying way, that talk about girls with a big ass or any other thing related to sex...?

What happened with the musics that were art? What happened with the musics that wanted to transmit feelings?

Good times when bad musics, were rocks like "All you need is love".

If Beethoven were alive, he would die.

No bad feelings between us if you like bad music xD. See ya.

  • tastes - gostos
  • personal - pessoal
  • talk - falar
  • dislike - não gosto
  • those - é o plural de this, ou seja, cerveja " estes/estas
  • noises - barulhos
  • annoying - irritante
  • ass - bunda
  • related - relacionados
  • happened - aconteceu
  • wanted - queriam/procuravam
  • feelings - sentimentos
  • alive - vivo
  • would die - morreria
  • bad feelings - recentimentos
  • between - entre (uma coisa e outra, não o verbo)
  • us - nós


  1. Ah eu gostei, bem tive que colocar no Google pra traduzir né, sem paciência pra tentar adivinhar hehehehe...

    É isso aí... All you need is love paparapara...

  2. ué, mas tem vocabulario pra não adivinhar x), afinal isso aqui é pra pegar vocabulario...
