
My day-to-day

This is a log...so I imagine that I can write my day-to-day here, rigth?

No? Shut up and read...this is mine! I can do anything here...

Hmmm...Let me see...I have a new friend now...he lives in my mouth...he is a tooth...




This gave me a toothache that I won't forget(ask me tomorrow...I won't remember...)

Oh, Yes, I was forgetting.
I won't do posts everyday anymore...


I really enjoyed do it, but I'm changing my life, so I won't have so much time as I had

But don't worry, the blog won't die...I recommend you to subscribe by e-mail to receive...an e-mail...when I post.
How can you do it?
Look below, on the bottom, there are some buttons that you can think interesting.

Oh, Yeah...If you already are my friend in some site like twitter, facebook, orkut, etc. I will post also there when I post =)

If you aren't, please, send an invite to me, I would enjoy be your friend =)

And if you are, you still can subscribe by e-mail xD

Bye... See you =)

  • log - diário
  • write - escrever
  • day-to-day - dia a dia
  • Let - deixe
  • mouth - boca
  • tooth - dente
  • HURTING - doendo
  • toothache - dor de dente
  • forget - esquecer
  • ask - pergunte
  • enjoyed - gostei/curti
  • changing - mudando
  • worry - preocupe
  • die - morrer
  • subscribe - inscrever
  • below - abaixo
  • bottom - rodapé da pagina(no caso)
  • invite - convite

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