
Aliens? No, Kusods!

Hey, would you believe if I say that I already talked with people from other planets?

Yeah, but I really talked...
One day I was wandering in a new land that I discovered, and saw a great and enormous black cube.

When I got near to see what was that, a great door opened, and from this cube, two ducks came to me.
But this ducks was strangers, they hadn't feathers, they had scales.

When I saw it I asked: Why have you scales?
And they really answered me: Why have you hair?

Well, I didn't want to discuss, so I just asked: Are you aliens?
And them: Aliens? No, we are Kusods!
Me: Kusods? What the hell is it?
They(for each other): These Aliens, they like to show themselves, now these humans only know them!
Me: Hey, who are you?
They: Are you deaf? We are Kusods. We are watching your planet for a little time.
Me: Since when?
They: Not so much, something about 2 thousands years.
Me: OW, yeah, not so much, only you two?
They: Hmm...yes, in the beginning there was another one, but he got bored soon and got out.
Me: Oh, yeah, I know, I'm a little bored too.
They: Can you answer something that we don't understand?
Me: Right, what?
They: What is God?
Me: What do God do?
They: No, no, no, no, who is God? Because there are a lot of people that say that you need to obey Him, but he ordered don't kill, and you kill for your God, we didn't understand it. And we still don't understand who is he, because there are a lot of descriptions.
Me: Oh, yeah, we don't know who he is, but he was who created all the world. And because we don't know who he is, we fight sometimes.
They: Sometimes? HA! That was good.
Me: Yeah, I know, a lot of times, but can I ask you what Kusods is?
They: Are you blind too??? WE are Kusods (these humans aren't so smart)
Me: And do you travel in a cube?
They: No, this is an egg.
They: No, you are really stupid, aren't you? hahahahaha
Me: And why don't you use, I don't know...discs?
They: Yeah, I know, and be green, tall and slim too, right?
Me: Yeah, that would be better than be ducks, wouldn't be?
They: WE ARE NOT DUCKS, WE ARE KUSODS. And if we were ducks, this would be better than believe in "Gods" and don't know the Hunfgriets.
Me: Don't know who??
They: The Hunfgriets! These guys that created your world...and most of the others too.
Me: So... are these Hunfgriets our Gods?
They: If when you said Gods you wanted to say who created your world...yes. But I have bad news for you, they never listened nothing that you prayed.
Me: So they can't do everything?
They: No, you didn't understand, they really can do anything, but they are deaf.
They: Yes, and they have a bad mind too, probably they already forgot you.
Me: ...
They: Yeah, we know, all that you did was useless, yeah, these things happen everyday, we need to go now, we are late to have a lunch, see you.
Me: see you...

Yeah, after that they entered again in the "spaceship" and the great cube started to fly and left the earth.

Can you believe? Aliens...Kusods...Hunfgriets...I can because I saw them(at least the Kusods).

I think that I will start a church, for the Hunfgriets...no, that would be useless.

Alright, see ya!


  • believe - acreditar
  • talked - falei
  • wandering - vagando
  • discovered - descobri
  • near - perto
  • door - porta
  • ducks - patos
  • feathers - penas
  • scales - escamas
  • asked - perguntei
  • answered - respondeu
  • hair - cabelo
  • What the hell - expressão que significa "mas que diabos" e não "que o inferno" como seria a tradução literal
  • each other - uma para o outro
  • themselves - eles mesmos
  • deaf - surdo
  • watching - assistindo/acompanhando
  • thousands - mil
  • bored - entediado
  • soon - logo
  • obey - obedecer
  • ordered - ordenou
  • world - mundo
  • fight - lutar/brigar
  • blind - cego
  • smart - esperto
  • travel - viajar
  • tall - alto
  • slim - magro
  • better - melhor
  • wanted - queria
  • news - noticias
  • prayed - rezou
  • everything - tudo
  • anything - qualquer coisa
  • mind - mente/cabeça/memoria
  • forgot - esqueceram
  • lunch - almoço, lanche se diz snack(embora possa ser lunch também)
  • entered - entrou
  • spaceship - nave espacial
  • left - deixaram
  • earth - terra
  • church - igreja

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