
Born to be wild

Let's go to our second music:

Steppenwolf - Born to be wild

Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way

Yeah, darling, gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space

I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racing with the wind
And the feeling that I'm under

Yeah, darling, gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never want to die

Born to be wild
Born to be wild

Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
In whatever comes our way

Yeah, darling, gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never want to die

Born to be wild
Born to be wild

Long live Rock'n'Roll!

  • our - nossa
  • Get your motor running - mantenha seu motor ligado/funcionando
  • Head out - expressão correspondente no brasil: caia de cabeça
  • highway- autoestrada
  • Looking for - procurando
  • whatever - o que for/qualquer coisa
  • way - caminho
  • darling - querida
  • happen - acontecer
  • embrace - abraço
  • guns - armas
  • once - uma vez
  • smoke - fumaça
  • Heavy metal thunder - o barulho de metal pesado(thunder em ingles é o barulho do trovão)
  • Racing - correndo
  • wind - vento
  • feeling - sentindo
  • under - embaixo
  • Like - como
  • child - criança
  • born - "nascido", importante notar que em ingles as pessoas não nascem, mas "são nascidas", por isso born esta sempre na terceira pessoa e acompanhado do verbo to be(no caso were)
  • wild - selvagem
  • climb - escalar
  • high - alto
  • die - morrer

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