
Some questions...2

And the sweet daughter back with more questions for her unlucky dad:

-Who teachs, is a teacher, right?
-And who learns, is a learner, right?
-And who sings, is a singer, isn't it?
-Yes, it is.
-I just wanna know...
-...so...what do a butter do? Smells bad?
-Butter is not a person, it doesn't do nothing.
-Right dad, if you say...
-And a cooker?

But, butt, butter, butterfly, there is something wrong with this language


  • unlucky - azarado
  • teachs - ensina
  • teacher - professor
  • learns - aprende
  • learner - aprendiz
  • sings - canta
  • singer - cantor
  • butter - é um trocadilho, porque butter significa manteiga, mas butt significa bumbum
  • Smells - cheira
  • cooker - é facilmente confundido com cozinheiro, mas lembrem-se sempre que cozinheiro é cook ou cheff, cooker é panela de pressão
  • butt - bumbum

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