


Have I ever told you that I already saw a ninja?

So, let me tell how it happened...
...I was lost in a desert, trying to find the exit of this terrible place, there were nothing near me.
When suddenly I heard something in my back, I turn back to see what was that noise but there were nothing there, and when I looked forward again, I saw a little and strange boy wearing clothes easily confunded with the sand.

I was going to say "Hi!", but I only saw his foot kicking my face and so I woke up in my ship again.

My men said that I was unconscious and nude in the beach, and they thought that I drank a lot and someone stole my clothes(...again).
But I doubt it. I saw a ninja, and he brought me to my ship when I was lost as a hero(unfortunatelly, he stole my clothes too).

But all right =), that's all folks =D


  • ever - alguma vez
  • tell - contar
  • happened - aconteceu
  • lost - perdido
  • find - achar
  • exit - saída
  • place - lugar
  • suddenly - de repente
  • heard - ouvi
  • noise -barulho
  • forward - pra frente
  • clothes - roupas
  • sand - areia
  • foot - pé(importante: plural de foot é feet)
  • kicking - chutando
  • ship - barco/navio
  • men - homens, mas importante lembrar que é no plural, homem no singular é mAn com A, na frase eu não disse meu homem...(um tanto quanto gay dizer isso)
  • nude - nú
  • beach - praia
  • drank - bebi
  • stole - roubou
  • doubt - duvido
  • brought - trouxe
  • unfortunatelly - infelizmente


  1. Eu pensei que ninjas usavam roupas pretas e não da cor da areia, ou vc estava num deserto com areia preta ?

  2. na verdade o objetivo do ninja é ser imperceptivel, por isso ele tem vários tipos de vestimentas para enganar, a mais comum é uma roxa escura muito confudida com preta que no escuro é invisivel ;)
