
Sweet Land!

Oh, yeah, How I promised before, here is the story about sweet land:

One day I was in my ship, and some men had fished our lunch, but when we ate it, it was sweet!
I started to look for someone that put sugar in the fish, when suddenly somebody called me to see the beach.

It was just impossible. Unbelievable! I was looking at a great wedding cake. There was a mountain that was only a giant wedding cake!

And it was not white, there were a lot of colors, and all the kind of candies in it, instead trees there were lollipops, and everything in family size.

I chose four men to go untill the beach with me. Between them I should say were Grarmy and Feg, two of my best men. Grarmy was big, strong and good, and Feg was tall, skinny and fast. Both was great friends.

When I stepped on the land, I saw that it was really a cake. A feeling started to increase inside me, I felt like I should taste this land.

But before me, Grarmy did it. He was kneeling, eating everything, in a way that I never saw nobody eat before.

-Keep calm Grarmy-I said, but he didn't listen to me

I heard something underground going in our direction, I noted that the others men wanted to taste it too, so I said:
-NO-ONE WILL TASTE THIS LAND! Grarmy, stand up! We need to go back to the ship. I think that this land is not as sweet as its flavour.
-You can go captain-said Grarmy- I think I'm going to stay here for while.
-No Grarmy, we need to go back now! - I said. And after this words he stood up, got his knife, pointed it to me, and screamed:
-Are you crazy? Look it! It's giant, you will never eat it all alone. And anyway, I don't want to eat it, come on old dog, let's back together to the ship.

But he didn't listen to me and returned to eat.
Now, the noise was higher, and I started to order:
-BACK TO THE SHIP OLD DOGS! If you like your lifes, we need to go back now!
-But captain, we can't leave Grarmy-said Feg.
-Grarmy, we will not leave you here, if you don't come for your own, we will need to do it with strenght.

Grarmy stood up and pointed his knife to me again, I got my sword. And he said:
-Captain! If...
But I never listened what he intended to say, because from down, a giant worm came and ate my friend.
Feg begun to cry, got his sword and ran to the worm.
-Feg, NO!-I tried to hold him, but he was faster.

I only saw his sword doing a hole from inside the worm, and the worm going back to underground. But it didn't die, we ran as fast as possible back to the ship, and was by some seconds that this terrible monster didn't eat me too.

The rest doesn't matter. We cried the fault of our friends.

That's all buddies, see ya.


  • promised - prometi
  • sweet - doce
  • ship - navio
  • fished - fish pode significar tanto peixe quanto pesca, no caso seria pescou
  • ate - comi
  • look for - procurando
  • sugar - açucar
  • suddenly - de repente
  • beach - praia
  • Unbelievable - inacreditável
  • looking - olhando
  • wedding - casamento
  • cake - bolo
  • kind - tipo
  • candies - doces
  • instead - ao invés
  • trees - árvores
  • lollipops - pirulitos
  • size - tamanho
  • untill - até
  • Between - entre
  • strong - forte
  • tall - alto
  • skinny - magro, mas skin significa pele, então passa a ideia de muito magro, de ser só pele
  • Both - ambos
  • stepped - pisei, mas step significa passo também
  • feeling - sentimento, mas feel significa sentir também
  • increase - aumentar
  • inside - in(dentro)+side(lado) = lado de dentro
  • felt - senti (passado de feel[sentir])
  • taste - provar
  • kneeling - ajoelhado
  • Keep - mantenha
  • heard - ouvi
  • underground - em baixo da terra
  • flavour - sabor
  • stood up - levantou/ficou de pé
  • knife - faca
  • screamed - critou
  • WHOLE - inteiro/integralmente
  • scary - assustador
  • old dog - cachorro velho, é um modo de tratamento dos piratas
  • together - juntos
  • noise - barulho
  • higher - mais alto
  • leave - deixar
  • own - próprio
  • strenght - força
  • again - de novo
  • sword - espada
  • intended - pretendia/ tinha a intenção de! De fato existe a palavra pretend, mas ela significa fingir
  • worm - minhoca 
  • cry - gritar. cry realmente significa chorar, mas também pode significar gritar com emoção
  • tried - tentei
  • hold - segurar
  • hole - buraco
  • die - morrer
  • as...as - tanto...quanto. as usado duas vezes serve pra comparar duas coisas
  • matter - importancia
  • fault - falha
  • buddies - colegas

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