
Book: Alice's adventures in wonderland

I didn't post any book here a long time.

But now, I gonna talk about one that I most like. This book is easy to learn english, I'm talking about "Alice's adventures in wonderland" or just "Alice in wonderland".

All these characters really exist in the book...Yes, there is a griffo in the book(and a turtle that cries)

This book was written by Lewis Carrol (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in 1865, and since then there are a lot of movies about this story (nowadays, 21 movies, you can watch the first version(black and white and with only 10 minutes) clicking here)

But unfortunately, only the movies made by Disney became famous(two cartoons[both are the same, but the second is a little better drawn or painted, I don't know] and the newest movie with Johnny Depp). But I gonna talk about my favorite movie next week, today I'm talking about the book.

First of all, forget the movie, in special the last one, I was very sad because they neither changed the name of the movie to a better one, like "Alice after ten years" or "Alice is back to wonderland", but put the name of the book...

I hated this...

But the cartoon was not bad at all, the beginning was very similar to the book, but the middle and the end weren't.

Well, everybody knows the story of alice, 'cause it I gonna talk only why to read the book.
Of course, everybody knows too that the book ALWAYS is better than any movie, and is great to train your english, because there are jokes that you only understand reading in english.

There are a lot of other curious facts about Alice, but I will talk about it along these two weeks, yeah, these weeks are going to be all about Alice, See ya =D

  • gonna = going to - futuro de ir, ou seja, vai, vou, vamos...
  • talk - falar
  • learn - aprender
  • characters - personagens
  • griffo - grifo
  • turtle - tartaruga
  • cries - chora
  • written - escrito
  • since - desde
  • nowadays - hoje em dia
  • watch - assistir
  • only - só
  • unfortunately - infelizmente
  • made - feito/produzido
  • became - se tornou
  • drawn - desenhado
  • painted - pintado
  • newest - mais novo
  • forget - esqueça
  • last - último
  • sad - triste/deprimido
  • neither - nem
  • changed - mudou
  • better - melhor
  • put - pôs/colocou
  • hated - odiei
  • beginning - começo
  • middle - meio
  • end - fim
  • knows - sabe/conhece
  • why - porque
  • read - ler
  • Of course - claro
  • any - qualquer
  • jokes - piadas
  • along - ao longo

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