
Wizards...I hate them

Hey, this post gonna be to who doesn't believe in magic!

Because you probably don't believe in the stories that I'm used to posting every monday...but believe me, at least this one is true!

I was just wandering on the street, happy with my magic box of music, when suddenly some terrible power pulled up my box from my hand and made a terrible hole on the floor that goes direct to the shit of everybody that lives in this street(that I swear...wasn't there!), and my box fell in this horrible place, and I never saw it again...

I can bet that in somewhere, there are some wizards laughing out loud of me...

Now I miss you, my dear magic box of music...

  • gonna - gíria que significa o mesmo que going to, ou seja, "vai"
  • believe - acredita
  • probably - provavelmente
  • used - acostumado
  • at least - pelo menos
  • true - verdade
  • wandering - vagando/ andando
  • street - rua
  • suddenly - de repente
  • pulled - puxou
  • box - caixa
  • hand - mão
  • made - fez
  • hole - buraco
  • floor - chão
  • shit - merda
  • swear - juro
  • fell - caiu
  • saw - vi
  • bet - aposto
  • somewhere - algum lugar
  • wizards - magos/bruxos/feiticeiros
  • laughing out loud - expressão MUITO usada em toda parte do mundo, inclusive no Brasil, pela internet, significa rindo muito alto, mas na internet é conhecida mais somente pelas suas siglas: LOL
  • miss - sentir falta
  • dear - querida

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