
My opinion about the death of bin laden

Hey, this was typed in the day 4 of the month 5, in 2011...so, if something happened after this...I didn't know.

Well, the "bad guy" is dead, and now there are a million of people angry with it, the USA didn't show the body, and neither showed pictures to prove it...
And if they already showed the picture now(when this will be posted), they lost a lot of time, it's easy to imagine that they were inventing a story and using the photoshop...

I'm not saying that I don't believe that he's dead, I'm saying that the USA wasted 10 years thinking in a plan, and now they didn't do it right...

Well, this is my opinion, the Al Qaeda will become so angry, that a possible 3º world war will start...

And now, USA, that you killed the number 1, will you kill the number 2? And after? The number 3? And so go on? Are you serious that you want to have some peace? Killing everybody 'till he end? What do you expect? That the whole Al Qaeda explode themselves? This is possible, but who will go together them?

This is only my point of view, see ya!

  • typed - digitei
  • happened - aconteceu
  • after - depois
  • know - saber
  • dead - morto
  • angry - raiva
  • show - mostrar
  • body - corpo
  • neither - nem
  • pictures - fotos
  • already - já
  • lost - perderam
  • believe - acredito
  • wasted - gastaram
  • thinking - pensando
  • do - fazer
  • become - se tornar
  • so - tão
  • world war - Guerra Mundial
  • killed - mataram
  • And so go on - E assim por diante
  • want - querer
  • peace - paz
  • 'till - contração de untill = até
  • expect - espera
  • whole - toda
  • themselves - eles mesmos

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