
Clockwork Orange

WARNING: This post is going to talk about a movie(and book) that have obscene language, violent acts, and sex.
(AVISO: Este post vai falar sobre um filme[e livro] que tem linguagem obscena, atos violentos, e sexo.)

If you don't want to keep reading, DON'T click in "See the Vocabulary"
(Se você não quer continuar lendo, NÃO clique em "See the Vocbulary")

But, if you see no problem click in "See the Vocabulary" and read the rest.
(Mas, se você não vê problemas clique em "See the Vocabulary" e leia o resto)

Click below to read the post:
(Clique abaixo para ler o post:)

Oh well...So you decided to read...okaaaay...

With sure we are talking about a classic.

Unfortunately I can't talk so much about this movie, because I only watched it, I never read the book.

Yes, there is a book, written by Anthony Burgess. You can see the cover below:

But I can talk about the history.
The movie(And I guess also the book) tell the history of Alex and his group, that live as the worst kind of people, the kind that the police wanna get, the kind that is happy.

And one day the police really got him, and they did an experience with him, to "take off" all the evil from his heart(that was poetic?).
But the police discovered that a person without evil in his heart is not as good as they thought...Why? Read or watch the movie to discover ;).

And of course, a trailer:

And a true man drinks milk, not beer(watch the movie to understand)

  • decided - decidiu
  • talking - falando
  • Unfortunately - infelizmente
  • so much - tanto
  • watched - assisti
  • read - li, mas a palavra "read" tem a mesma escrita tanto no presente, como no passado ou passado perfeito, o que muda é a pronúncia.
  • written - escrito
  • cover - capa
  • below - abaixo
  • guess - acho/imagino
  • also - também
  • worst - pior
  • kind - tipo
  • take off - tirar
  • evil - mal
  • heart - coração
  • discovered - descobriram
  • without - sem
  • as...as... - no português equivale ao "tão...quanto...".
  • thought - pensaram
  • drinks - bebe(o verbo)
  • milk - leite
  • beer - cerveja

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