
Do you like ghoti?

Some weeks ago, I was doing a test, and saw this text:

Well, if you can't read the text above, there is this below:

A professor at Cambridge University once declared: "I hold firmly to the belief...that no one can tell how to pronunce an english word unless he has at some time or other heard it."
He was undoubtedly referring to the absurdities of the english spelling system, where a combination of letters like ough can produce different words all with different pronunciations: borough, bough, cough, dough, enough and through; even more incredible is a sound normally associated with the letters sh, as in fish can be spelt in at least 10 other ways: anxious, brochure, conscious, crucial, mansion, moustache, nation, ocean, passion, tissue. Such a ridiculous spelling system led the playwright George Bernad Shaw to suggest that the word FISH could in fact easily be spelt GHOTI: GH as in enough; O as in women and TI as in nation!

Hey, here something that perhaps can help you:

Try to search for Ghoti there ;)

Now, at last, you can say that english is not as easy as everybody is used to say. Good bye.

PS:I didn't translate some words because the text used only to show you the sounds. ;)
PPS:Use howjsay to listen(or even google translator).

  • weeks - semanas
  • ago - atrás(em relação a tempo)
  • test - prova
  • saw - vi
  • above - acima
  • below - abaixo
  • professor - realmente significa professor, porém são só os de faculdade, professores "normais"(não que os de faculdade não seja), se fala teacher.
  • once - uma vez
  • hold - seguro/não largo
  • belief - crença
  • tell - dizer/contar
  • unless - a menos
  • heard - escutado
  • undoubtedly - sem dúvidas
  • referring - referindo
  • absurdities - absurdos
  • spelling - pode significar tanto soletrando quando pronunciando(também pode significar algo com magia(spell), mas é fácil de perceber isso no contexto.
  • even - ainda/até mesmo
  • spelt - pronunciado/soletrado
  • ways - maneiras
  • Such - como
  • led - levou
  • playwright - dramaturgo
  • easily - facilmente
  • perhaps - talvez
  • at last - finalmente/por fim
  • as...as... - tão...quanto

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