
Games x Violence

More than once, here in Brazil, the TV said that violent games give power to violent acts. And more, the TV said it giving the idea that without games the world would be an amazing, and wonderful world...

Now I ask you...The world was amazing and wonderful without games?
How many games should exist in the second world war?

And in Sparta, the city of the war...? They, with sure, invented the games...

This is ridiculous, there are statistics that says the violence decreased with the increasing of violent games...
And is not because someone crazy enough to kill 12 or 13 children in a school plays videogame, that it means he became violent playing...

Stop to think...if games really let someone violent, why none of our young people that play all kind of games all the time aren't violent? Perhaps a little of them are, but the most are perfectly normal people!

How mommy used to say: Violence begets violence...(not the games)

This is my opinion, tell me yours...Bye!

  • once - uma vez
  • said - disse
  • give - dar
  • acts - atos
  • without - sem
  • would be - seria
  • amazing - incrível
  • wonderful - maravilhoso
  • ask - pergunto
  • How many - quantos
  • world war - Guerra Mundial
  • sure - certeza
  • decreased  - diminuiu
  • increasing - aumento
  • enough - o suficiente
  • means - significa
  • became - ficou/se tornou
  • think - pensar
  • let - deixa
  • none - nenhum
  • young - jovens
  • kind - tipos
  • Perhaps - talvez
  • mommy - mamãe
  • begets - gera

1 comment:

  1. I think the number of massacres is an increasing because the population is increasing, rarities soon as they end up becoming less rare, and because it leaves nothing to be reported as before.
