
Suprise post!

This post won't have vocabulary because for me, it is not even an official post...
If you don't understand what is written, use google translator...

Well, I just want to tell you what happened this week...more exactly, wednesday and thursday...

The site blogger, where my blog is hosted, entered in a surprise maintenance, and erased all that I did wednesday and thursday...the only problem, is that I did EVERYTHING in these days...

They are saying that what we did will come back, but I don't believe =P

So, now, I need to do everything again -.-', this is kinda depressing, but all right, no hard feelings between us blogger (y)

But I'm feeling that when I finish to do everything again, all will come back...if this happen, so will really have hard feelings between us ò.ó

To know better what happened, see right in their official blog, >>>>RIGHT HERE<<<<

Oh, well, I really don't consider this a real post, cause this, in a few days, this will be ERASED...FOREVER!!!


No, I'm joking...but this will be with sure forgotten, because I neither put Tags in this post, nor vocabulary...

Well, That's all, see you...

See the Vocabulary

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