
Meanwhile...in theater land!...3

This is almost a soap opera!

Theater Land 1 - Click Here
Theater Land 2 - Click Here

Lovely Princess - I think I need to be more energetic...

Coward Knight is passing.

Lovely Princess - Hey, Coward Knight, come here, did someone already say how handsome you are?

Coward Knight - Who is there? How do you know my name? Where are you? Are you going to kill me? And yes, actually my mother already said it.

Lovely Princess - Calm down Coward Knight, I'm here to help you.

Coward Knight - Help me? How are you supposed to help me?

Lovely Princess - Come here...And you will see what you never saw before.

Coward Knight - If I never saw before I'd rather keep never seeing it. I'm afraid that it could scares me.

Lovely Princess - Are you scared of be scared? This doesn't even make sense!

Coward Knight - Oh, why are you so aggressive with me? I'm scared of you. Bye!

Lovely Princess - No! Wait! Please, come back, I only wanted to have a man...is it ask so much?

Me - For you? Yes, you aren't lovely at all!

  • soap opera - novela
  • passing - passando
  • come here - venha cá
  • already - já
  • handsome - lindo/bonito, geralmente usado só para homens, para mulheres o mais comum é beautiful, mas não há nenhuma regra específica para isso(porem soa bem estranho se nos dias atuais for diferente, não recomenda-se)
  • know - sabe
  • kill - matar
  • actually - "na verdade", atualmente se diz nowadays
  • supposed - supostamente
  • saw - viu
  • before - antes
  • rather - preferiria
  • keep - geralmente significa manter, mas na frase tem o sentido de continuar
  • scared - assustado
  • even - nem mesmo
  • wanted - queria/procurava
  • ask - pedir

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