
Herbherth versus Samurais

A long, long time ago. In somewhere far, far away. There was one guy, that could defeat anyone, anything, anytime. He was indestructible. He killed dragons and some monsters that the world hadn't time enough to know. And one day, he fought against samurais.

This is a great story...

...But I won't talk about it today. Today I gonna talk about me fighting against samurais...

How it happened? I don't know. I don't remember. I guess I hit my head too strong.

But I am almost sure that I fought against samurais...at least I woke up in some place very similar with where some one can find them.

There were a lot of strange people, talking some strange language, and writting some codes super complex that I think that no one can understand...

But I didn't see any samurai, I can bet that I defeated all of them!

My Friend: We went to Liberdade and you slipped on a banana...
Me: Shut Up!

PS: No! I wasn't talking about Samurai Jack in the beginning of the post. I just thought in it when I talked about samurais.


  • ago - atrás
  • somewhere - algum lugar
  • far - longe
  • away - distante
  • defeat - derrotar
  • indestructible - indestrutível
  • killed - matou
  • enough - suficiente
  • fought - lutou
  • against - contra
  • won't - não vou
  • happened - aconteceu
  • guess - acho
  • hit - bati
  • head - cabeça
  • strong - forte
  • sure - certo
  • at least - ao menos
  • woke - acordei
  • find - achar
  • went - fomos
  • slipped - escorregou
  • Shut Up - calado
  • thought - pensei

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