
The Population and the countries

First of all, I would like to say that what I am going to type is about my country Brazil, but I am sure that there are a lot of countries in the same situation...

The true is that people don't care about who is going to govern their countries...

What I mean is that they don't want to have a really good reason to vote for someone...as the picture says, a lot of people vote for who is like themselves, but have you ever stop to think if you would be good for your country? If not...why the hell would you vote for someone like you?

Other thing that always happens like the charge is..."vote for me!", but vote for you do WHAT? Many persons don't know what a politician do...but instead of search about, they vote for someone that looks nice...the one that looks nice can not be the one that knows what he or she is doing.

Please, search a little more about the issue, and give a vote that you really think that can change something, or else, don't vote...

That's not all, but I am stopping now, Bye o/

  • type - digitar
  • sure - certeza
  • countries - países
  • same - mesma
  • care - importar
  • govern - governar
  • mean  - geralmente significa "significar" mas também pode significar(como no caso) "querer dizer"
  • reason - razão
  • themselves - eles mesmos
  • why the hell - expressão equivalente a: "por que diabos..."
  • happens - acontece
  • charge - quadrinho, desenho, uma charge mesmo x)
  • politician - político
  • instead - ao invés
  • search - pesquisar
  • issue - questão
  • or else - ou então

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