
Herbherth Through the Looking Glass

Yeah, can you believe? I also went through the looking glass.

Image from the book

My friend- You went through...WHAT?

A looking glass, don't you know what is a looking glass? It's a mirror.

My friend- Yes...I do know what is a looking glass, but what do you mean when you say that you went through a FUCKING MIRROR?

What? Did you never read the book?

My friend- Book? What book?

THIS book (I'm showing him this book)

My friend- Hmmmm...Yes, now I understood

At last...

My friend- Wow! That should have been awesome!

Yes, it was. Now can I tell them about my adventure?

My friend- Of course...why not?

Thank you, now, people, It was...

My friend- And I want to know about it too.

Yeah, I know, how I was saying, it was...

My friend- This should be one of the good stories

Yeah, why don't you shut up and discover it?

My friend- I'm sorry

No problems. Well, that was awesome people, you will never believe in what I saw...

My friend- I can bet not.


My friend- Sorry, sorry, sorry...

Why did I invite you to came here?

My friend- I don't know, but I'm so glad that you did it.

That was a rhetorical question.

My friend- Sorry again, that was the last time...

I can bet(not)

My  friend- I swear.


My friend- What?


My friend- Oh

How I was trying to say, it was the most wonderful things that I ever saw...

My friend- Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, hahahahahahahahah

What? What now?

My friend- I understood, swear who? Hahahahahaha. That was funny

Good that you under...

My friend- Ok, ok, so, I promise.

Great. Now can I?

My friend- Of course.

The country through the looking glass wasn't the wonderland, but was wonderful

My friend- Why don't you say mirror instead looking glass?


My friend- Sorry, sorry...

Great, now I gonna try to talk a little faster because...

My friend- OH MY GOD


My friend- OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!

WHAT? What's happening?

My friend- The post is ending and you still don't post anything!


My friend- Quickly! Tell us something.

I hate you

My friend- No times for jokes, run, run, run.

It wasn't a joke. Now...Can you leave here?

My friend- What?


My friend- Ok. Ok. I'm going, after I will read this on the blog, no problem...


My friend- I'm not here anymore.

At last, a little of peace. Sometimes I ask myself why is he my friend...But now I can tell you what I saw. And it was wonderful, it was amazing, it was just unbelievable. What I saw was...[no space left]

  • also - também
  • went - fui
  • through - através
  • looking glass - espelho
  • know - sabe/conhece
  • mirror - espelho
  • do - aqui ele é usado para dar ênfase
  • mean - quer dizer
  • FUCKING - também server para dar ênfase, mas esqueça que você viu essa palavra, eu não ensinei ela aqui...
  • read - ler
  • book - livro
  • showing - mostrando
  • understood - entendi
  • At last - por fim/finalmente
  • awesome - incrível
  • tell - contar
  • want - querer
  • shut up - expressão utilizada para dizer "cala a boca"
  • discover - descobrir
  • bet - apostar
  • invite - convidar
  • came - veio
  • glad - feliz(em um sentido de agradecido)
  • rhetorical - retórico
  • swear - pode significar tanto jurar quanto xingar, daí veio o trocadilho e piada do texto
  • country - país
  • wonderful - maravilhosa
  • instead - no lugar/ao invés
  • faster - mais rápido
  • Quickly - rápido
  • hate - odiar
  • jokes - piadas
  • leave - sair do lugar
  • amazing - incrível
  • unbelievable - inacreditável

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