
Curious facts about Alice...

Did you know...

That Alice was based in a real child called Alice Liddell?

The original book was called "Alice's Adventures Underground" and that was written only for the Liddell child?

The pictures that nowadays can be found on the book are the same then when was published for the first time(and they were drawn by a Carroll's friend)?

Lewis Carroll is the latin translation of Charles Lutwidge, that is the name of the autor(Lewis = Lutwidge and Carroll = Charles)?

The hatter was crazy because on the date there was an expression that said "mad as a hatter" because the glue used by hatters possibly made them crazy?

The book has more than 20 adaptations for movies?

The book has more than one pornographic version for TV?

Most of the characters have a reason to exist?

The real Alice had dark hair and a short fringe?

The Hatter is in both books, though they are different stories?

Did you know?

Want to know more?

Read the book ;)

Tomorrow is my last post about alice, I swear.

  • Did you know - você sabia
  • based - baseado
  • child - criança
  • called - chamada
  • written - escrito
  • nowadays - hoje em dia
  • found - achado
  • published - publicado
  • drawn - desenhado
  • translation - tradução
  • hatter - chapeleiro
  • crazy - louco
  • mad - louco
  • glue - cola
  • possibly - possivelmente
  • made - faziam
  • has - tinha
  • adaptations - adaptações
  • more - mais
  • Most - a maioria
  • characters - personagens
  • reason - razão
  • exist - existir
  • hair - cabelo
  • fringe - franja
  • both - ambos
  • though - embora
  • Want - quer
  • swear - jurar

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