
One joke...

...based on the first book:

My friend- Hey, have you already done the lessons?

Me- No, I don't do lessons anymore, why did you still do?

My friend- What do you mean with "why did you still do"? Why don't YOU do?

Me- Because there is no sense keep doing it, it's finished.

My friend- I didn't understand.

Me- Man, this are lessons. They are made to do a little less each day. Because it they are called LESSons!

My friend- What? This is...This is...This actually makes sense...

Me- Of course it does.

My friend- Right, I'm stopping now.

Me- What? You can't!

My friend-Why not?

Me- This is not called STOPSUDDENLYon, this is called LESSon, you need to decrease each day untill stop.

My friend- I hate you! You know that, right?

Me- Right!


  • based - baseado
  • already - já
  • done - feito
  • lessons - lições
  • anymore - "mais"(uso restrito a frases parecidas)
  • still - ainda
  • mean - quer dizer
  • keep - continuar
  • finished - acabado
  • understand - entender
  • less - menos
  • each - cada
  • called - chamados
  • actually - na verdade
  • Of course - claro
  • STOPSUDDENLYon - essa palavra foi inventada por mim com a junção de stop(parar) e suddenly(de repente) e o on que vem no final de lesson
  • decrease - diminuir
  • untill - até
  • hate - odiar


  1. Onde diz "Me- Of course it do." não seria "Of course it DOES." ?

  2. é sim =D

    obrigado por corrigir xD, eu tento prestar atenção nesses detalhes mas me passam despercebidos as vezes^^
